
a volume中文什么意思

发音:   用"a volume"造句
  • 一部书
  • volume:    n. 1.卷,册;书籍;【历史】书卷,卷轴。 2.〔常 ...
  • by volume:    按容量装填; 容积计量进料
  • in volume:    按量计算
  • volume:    n. 1.卷,册;书籍;【历史】书卷,卷轴。 2.〔常 pl. 〕大块,大量,许多。 3.体积;容积;分量,额;【物、乐】音量;强度,响度。 a novel in three volumes 一部总共有三卷的小说。 volumes of vapour 大量的水蒸气,蒸汽弥漫。 atomic volume 原子体积。 the volume of retail sales 商品零售额。 express volumes 说得意义很充实[很有内容]。 gather volume (程度)增大 ( Her anger was gathering volume. 她越来越生气了)。 pour out volumes of abuse 破口大骂。 speak volumes = express volumes. speak volumes for 足够证明,有力地说明。 tell volumes = express volumes.
  • volume by:    volume体积比体积
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. She could distinguish nothing but a volume of sound that rose and fell .
  2. It is a volume which should form part of the library of all hope-be-novelists .
  3. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity .
  4. He frowned, and getting up, went over to the bookcase and took out a volume at hazard .
  5. the plastic zone will be toroidal with a volume of 2πaπ(rather than bπ).



  1. a voice of great volume 什么意思
  2. a voice was crying out 什么意思
  3. a voice without accent 什么意思
  4. a void 什么意思
  5. a volcano spouts flame and lava 什么意思
  6. a voluminous report 什么意思
  7. a voluntary escape 什么意思
  8. a voluntary forestation campaign 什么意思
  9. a volunteer labour 什么意思
  10. a volunteers crucial vote 什么意思


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